Media and Communications Policy
The Company is committed to a law abiding, non-discriminatory, non-racial and non-sexist policy of communication with its internal and external stakeholders. Only an Authorised Spokesperson may discuss the Company’s Financial and Operating matters. The Company is and will be required to communicate with its shareholders, analysts, institutional investors and the media in South Africa. No other employee may communicate with a Third Party.
As a JSE listed company, the Company is bound to comply with the provisions of the Financial Markets Act (No. 19 of 2012) (FMA) and the JSE Listings Requirements, particularly in relation to market abuse. Breaches of the FMA are serious offences and any areas of non-compliance, or suggestions of improper behaviour, could have a damaging impact on the reputation and integrity of the Company, the Board and Executive Management. This policy formalises the Company’s interaction with external parties and the flow of price sensitive information.
Environmental, Social and Governance Policy
RH Managers Proprietary Limited (the Company) is the Fund Manager for the Razorite Healthcare and Rehabilitation Fund I and Fund II, RH Bophelo Limited and the RH Africa Fund. The Fund Manager is committed to helping its investors grow their financial assets by ensuring that their investments are well governed and sustainable. We recognise that Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors can affect investment performance and expose potential investment risks. We therefore aim towards integrating the impact of ESG factors into the Company’s investment process. The foundation of our approach is aligned to the United Nations Principles for Responsible investing. These principles and guidelines serve as a platform for our investments.
Environmental and Social Management Systems Policy
The purpose of the Company’s ESMS policy is to assist the Company in avoiding and managing loans with potential environmental and social risks by conducting an environmental and social due diligence prior to loan disbursement and adequate supervision of the projects during the term of the loan agreement, through to the exit process. The Company’s loan agreements contain appropriate covenants requiring that projects are in compliance with the Company’s environmental and social requirements as stipulated in the ESMS.
Remuneration Policy
The Remuneration and Nominations Committee comprises three Non-Executive Directors, the majority of whom are independent and is chaired by an Independent Non-Executive Director. The role of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee has been codified in the Remuneration and Nominations Committee Charter approved by the Board. This Charter is aligned with the requirements of King IV, the Companies Act and the JSE Listings Requirements.